
Untitled (GPonO) Color Viscosity Etching 22x17.5.JPG

Untitled (GPonO) Color Viscosity Etching 22x17.5

click on the image to see the series

"Beyond the Sky" (PuonY) 2003 Color Viscosity Etching 12x9.jpg

"Beyond the Sky" (PuonY) 2003 Color Viscosity Etching 12x9

click on the image to see the series

"Spring Breeze on the Water #1" Color Viscosty Etching and Drypoint 17.5x23.5.jpg

"Spring Breeze on the Water #1" Color Viscosty Etching and Drypoint 17.5x23.5

click on the image to see the series

Untitled (TriRonB) Color Viscosity Etching 12x27.JPG

Untitled (TriRonB) Color Viscosity Etching 12x27

click on the image to see the series